Want to future-proof your sport?


Right now it can feel uncomfortable to be an equestrian.

Scandals, blue tongues, protests - calls to shut down equestrian sport grow louder.

We can turn this around, but where do you start?


If horses are your business or your passion, then you can't afford to ignore the growing concerns about horses in sport and leisure. We can help.

There is much you can do to improve horse welfare!

Dr Karen Luke has over 30 years hands-on experience caring for and training horses, so she is not a 'pie in the sky' academic, she understands the needs of competitors and those running equestrian businesses, like riding schools and trail riding establishments. She can offer practical, evidence-based solutions that are workable for you.

In addition to her extensive practical experience, Dr Luke's groundbreaking research has shone a light on how equestrians understand welfare, what motivates equestrians and the important role horse welfare plays in keeping riders safe.

Dr Karen Luke is available to help you, your business, club or organisation with:

  • change planning - so you know exactly where to start and how to make positive progress

  • policy and protocol development to improve horse welfare, for example updating welfare policies and rules

  • education services such as presentations and workshops for staff or members

  • practical coaching to improve the understanding of horse behaviour and/or training approaches that enhance horse welfare in your club, business or organisation



If you haven't come across Dr Karen Luke check her and her research out.

I was so happy that PCA has aligned themselves with someone that has such passion for making the horse No.1, not only physically but mentally!

Chrissy, Pony Club Tasmania
